
Migrate to v2

Arctic v2 is here! This update changes how tokens are handled and introduces various small improvements. Behind the scenes, it's also fully type-safe now! We used to heavily rely on type assertion but this upgrade adds proper in and typeof checks!

npm install arctic@next

Authorization URL

createAuthorizationURL() is no longer asynchronous and you can pass the scopes array directly.

const scopes = ["user:email", "repo"];
const url = github.createAuthorizationURL(state, scopes);

Authorization code validation

validateAuthorizationCode() returns an OAuth2Token instead of a simple object. To get the access token, call the accessToken() method. These methods will throw an error if the field doesn't exist.

const tokens = await github.validateAuthorizationCode(code);
const accessToken = tokens.accessToken();
const accessTokenExpiresAt = tokens.accessTokenExpiresAt();
const refreshToken = tokens.refreshToken();
const idToken = tokens.idToken();

Use hasRefreshToken() to check if the refresh_token field exists.

if (tokens.hasRefreshToken()) {
	const refreshToken = tokens.refreshToken();

validateAuthorizationCode() throws one of OAuth2RequestError, ArcticFetchError, or Error.

import { OAuth2RequestError, ArcticFetchError } from "arctic";

try {
	const tokens = await github.validateAuthorizationCode(code);
	const accessToken = tokens.accessToken();
} catch (e) {
	if (e instanceof OAuth2RequestError) {
		// Invalid authorization code, credentials, or redirect URI
		const code = e.code;
		// ...
	if (e instanceof ArcticFetchError) {
		// Failed to call `fetch()`
		const cause = e.cause;
		// ...
	// Parse error

OpenID Connect

Providers no longer include the openid scope by default.

const scopes = ["openid", "profile"];
const url = google.createAuthorizationURL(state, codeVerifier, scopes);


The initialization parameters have changed for a few providers. See each provider's guide for details.

Token revocation

Token revocation API has been added for providers that support it.

await google.revokeToken(token);